Saturday, October 3, 2009

SO sorry everyone!

Hi Everyone! This is Kirsten AND Julie!

We are SO sorry that we have not been posting lately! :( School just started at Happy Valley Elementary so we have been very busy! Here is a picture of us at music class:

Kirsten plays piano and Julie plays guitar! :D Quinlyn is trying to find the time to take a school-time photostory, but every time she tries she either doesn't want to or something gets messed up. She was trying a few weeks ago, but then she ran out of pictures on her SP card. :P Whelp, hopefully she will quit being lazy at get it done soon!

~Kirsten and Julie


  1. I can't wait to see what she comes up with :)

    You dolls are so cute!

  2. Hi! This is Julie! That is soooo groovy!!!

    Hello, I'm on, it's me, Kirsten. How have you been?

  3. So cute!
    I love the guitar, Quinlyn!


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